Friday, July 13, 2012

Plenty of Time to Prepare Handmade Christmas Gifts

In these times of austerity handmade gifts have seen a revival. But it's a true shame there had to be an economic reason for the trend to become popular again. Handmade gifts should always be appreciated and not looked upon as a cheap way out. The effort and thought that goes into making these presents should never be underestimated.

To avoid resorting to last minute, frantic shopping in the run up to Christmas, start thinking about making your unique gifts now. 5 months is less time than you think, particularly if it's been a while since you've attempted any arts and crafts. Get those creative juices flowing!

Consider some of these gift ideas for your loved ones this Christmas.

Photobooks or Calendars

To epitomise your friendship or love for someone, put together a personalised photobook or calendar. But don't just settle for photos. Add quotes and memories of times you've spent together, as well as meaningful dates if making a calendar.

Write down why you selected each particular photo, and what it means to you.

You can buy blank scrap books at stationery shops, but if you're really feeling creative, make the book yourself too. Instructions are really easy to find online.

Calendars can be printed at photo shops, but you can add detail to it with marker pens, stickers, paint and other crafty tools.


DIY jewellery has never been easier to make what with the rise of bead shops around the country. These stock vast arrays of charms, beads, casings, clasps and other bits and pieces you might need to make your own necklaces, earrings, brooches and bracelets. Some come in sets that you then just need to assemble, but this is in a way cheating. Why not put together something truly unique based on the recipient's personal tastes and style?

Gift Hampers

If you know a person well, you can put together their ultimate goody hamper. Fill it with food and drinks you know they like. Popular seasonal goods include fruit cakes, winter chutneys, chocolate, liqueurs and cheese. You can also add some non-consumables such as handmade soaps and bath bombs, woolly socks, and mittens.

If you do find yourself struggling for time, bespoke Christmas hampers can be arranged through specialist companies. You'll be able to choose the packaging and contents of the hamper from their stock. While it's not exactly handmade, it is personalised, and there'll be no other quite like it.

This news article is brought to you by GAMBLING - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lovely Gift Ideas for Elderly Friends and Relatives

It's never easy to find just the right gift for friends. You'd think it would be easier to choose something for a close member of your family, alas many of us find it equally challenging. Often, the bigger the age gap, the harder it is as interests vary so much. So, to make gift buying that little bit easier, here are a few gift ideas for elderly friends and relatives.

A general tip is to avoid giving a gift that doesn't serve much practical use. As the years go by, people acquire lots of things and clutter like tableware, vases, candles and the like. Though any gift will be appreciated, why not give something with practical value instead?

A Day Out

A great idea is to spend the day together with the gift recipient. This is a particularly nice gesture for people who aren't as mobile as they used to be, or are wheelchair users.

If you have access to a car, escape somewhere together for the day. How about a trip to the seaside, a stately home, or a countryside pub?

Even if you don't have a car, there's plenty you could get up to. Find out what's on around town. Perhaps you could snap up tickets for an exhibition or a show of some kind.

Lunch, dinner or afternoon tea are also nice options. Either visit a place you know and love, or venture somewhere new that neither of you have been to before.

Board Games

You can have fun playing board games at any age. This is a great gift from grandchildren to grandparents, for example, as you can go on to play the games together whenever you visit. They're also a great social activity for the recipient and friends.

Try to choose age-appropriate games such as chess, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit. Fast-paced games and ones with very small pieces may not be suitable.

Gift Hampers

Food and drinks never go unappreciated. First of all, they're a practical gift that you know will be consumed, and second of all there's a lot of scope to give something that the person will never have tried before, thus providing a new taste experience.

Gift hampers can be either pre-packed or bespoke. You can choose from an array of themed hampers, some of which might focus on British foods, while others might be brimming with exotic goodies from around the world.

To surprise the recipient, you can even arrange for it to be sent straight to their home address.

Buying Flowers Doesn't Make All The World Happy

For decades, florist flowers are one of the ultimate and most prestigious gifts for nearly any occasion, especially on significant dates and holidays. A Rutgers University study proved what we have inherently always known; flowers immediately elevate mood and universally make people happy at any age, but at what cost to the world.

The Flower Research-The Eco Florist

As a floral artist for over 25 years, with an environmental background; in December of 2000 before placing my rose order for Valentines' Day, I began to research for the infamous American Beauty rose that I realized was mysteriously no longer offered. My alarming findings and unbelievable blindness of my industry were more than I expected. It led me to my decision to a 10 year endeavor to completely restructure my business to green certified and to bring awareness by creating the first 'eco florist'. Contrary to belief; it is not easy being green. It takes reversing your thinking, a dedicated energy, tenacity, and ongoing passion as some things are just not replaceable or even available. It also means having the heart to go up against the industry giants and the belief that one person can indeed make a difference, because I discovered that you can.

The Hype About Flowers

Being green is the vogue, new darling of the advertising world; it's an easy and seemingly pure way of gaining new customers on the guise of business conscience and accountability. We are seeing the hype and marketing of eco-friendly, organic, fair trade, certified, sustainably grown, and green flowers everywhere. So many terms to describe one criteria, and confusing to an already confused consumer trying to do and purchase the right thing. The list of these new terms is being added too every year and now publicized from big box to grocery store to online order houses, because a green affinity is the new gold in flower marketing and all marketing. Flowers are nature, hence florists are indeed a nature business, so why now all these criteria and certifications? What's wrong with flowers that they need to be publicized as eco- friendly?

The Problems With Flowers

The flower industry has unfortunately become much like our food industry. The large, majority of flowers sold in North America are now manufactured on massive, corporate, farms outside of the United States and Canada; mainly in South America, and predominantly in Columbia, Ecuador and Peru. What's concerning and questionable; these flowers, while outwardly budget- friendly for big business and the consumer wallet, are not as kind to the environment or its inhabitants. The forced grown flowers among other things, have been bred to be thorn less, enlarged, unnaturally hybridized, dyed, and groomed to last during shipping, but not in our homes. This is why the new array of chain chemicals has come to be advised at all levels from wholesale to florist to consumer. The industry claims they prevent air pockets, weak necks, bacteria, and all sort of malady.

However, you can't have it all with Mother Nature it seems, as one of the tradeoffs for chemically enhanced, manufactured flowers is the loss of their heady scents; ironically their main attraction. And, they cannot seem to get it back. Gone is the aromatic, American Beauty rose and those, spicy scented CA carnations. Except from our own garden and old stock cuttings, the likes of either will I doubt ever be inhaled again. Unfortunately, whatever retail market, store, florist, or garden center in the United States or Canada, both off and online; only offer these inexpensive, flowers. Obviously, you are getting just exactly what you pay for as there has not been and never will again be a beautiful vase of long lasting, fragrant roses of the finest quality for 39.99, delivered; not since the economy of 1950. It is impossible, unfeasible, and absurd to believe that advertising.

The Effects and Reasons

The environmental impact is not much better. At harvesting, they are wrapped in unrecyclable wraps and non biodegradable plastic, and packed in boxes made from deforested trees. They are shipped thousands of miles to where they will eventually be sold; using more fossil fuel energy than it took to grow them. It seems illogical as to why these flowers would be a viable alternative to our own; but like our food, it is simply politics, cost, and the lack of regulations in a perfect climate that perpetuate it. The multitude of insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, and growth chemicals are used with minimal to no human or environmental protection or regulation. To compound the issue, both the environment surrounding a farm and its workforce, suffer from health issues due to chemical exposure and runoff.

On the labor side; there are few to no wage or age labor laws providing sustainable hours and incomes; and rare are the medical benefits. Some farms are trying and succeeding at a more sustainable and kind operation, while others are just creating their own certifications to polish their image. To finish the deal; flowers are one of the few imported products with 'political', duty free, status. Just in the last decade, our American farms are now numbered at half what they were and those left are suffering along with the quality of the lovely and prestigious gift of flowers. We need to use our monies wisely, and we need to level the playing field.

What You Can Do & What You Can Trust

*Buy from a real florist or grower in your own area-not online, at the grocery, or from chain store. If we have heard it once, we have heard it 100 times-know where your product originates-buy local and patronize local. For every $1 you spend locally-68 cents stays in that community.

* Buy for the quality and not the quantity with only flowers grown in the US. The scent, longevity, and value are unmatched.

*Choose flowers of the season like California Spring roses or tulips, New Jersey Summer dahlias, Florida Autumn sunflowers and our own, New York Winter anemones.

*Become aware of the labels below; if there are none then ask your florist where they were grown. There are only 3 certifications at this point that I look for and really trust. Absolutely learn them.

1- USDA Organic tags

2- US Grown Label

3- US Grown with a Veriflora Certified label

Beware the multitude of certifications and labels without researching them first, many you will find are just a label of aspiration with no real change. Knowing eco friendly anything is now preferred; certifications are being created by the corporate farm owners themselves for their own products.

Every action we take has a reaction to someone or some living thing, whether plant, animal, or human; and we sometimes forget about that. Spend your monies on purchases that support your values, beliefs, your community, and country. By following these simple guidelines, it's easier to ensure you are doing so; getting both an earth friendly, quality product and truly making the world happy.

Silicone Wristbands - Great For Fundraising And Marketing

Interested in ordering promotional products for your corporate or fundraising needs? Consider silicone wristbands.

Silicone wristbands are highly popular fashion accessories that are worn by people of all ages. Many wear them because they help people promote something that they believe in. There have been many successful wristband campaigns around the world for local issues as well as for broader issues, like Cancer awareness. If you're looking to spread a message far and wide or are looking at fundraising opportunities, a bright wristband with your message on it can be a great idea.

Wristbands for your cause or business can become very popular, offer a low cost investment with great return on that investment, and can quickly, easily, and inexpensively be customised for your campaign.

There are a variety of wristbands available:

• Printed

• Embossed

• Ink filled

• Multi-colour

• Glow in the dark wristbands

• Silicone wristband styled key rings

• You can also buy the new and popular slap wrap silicone wristbands, too, increasing the impact because you will get more people wanting them and wearing them.

Want some tips to disburse your wristbands?

As Corporate Gifts:

Investing in corporate gifts can help you build great customer relationships.

• Send them out to customers with a price list or marketing materials

• Give them away as free swag at corporate events and trade shows

• Offer them as an incentive for free for new customers or as part of a new product launch to create buzz


Selling wristbands can help you raise money and awareness for worthy causes.

• Start a campaign on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to spread awareness

• Consider ordering debossed wristbands that are ink filled for increased visibility.

• Consider designing and ordering several different versions of the wristband with varied sayings, colours, and a few different styles. Doing this could make them collectable and increase the chances of people buying more than one. (It can also help you assess which one was the most popular, which can help with future fundraising campaigns)

Tip for Corporate or Fundraising Purposes:

Consider putting a QR code on all of your wristbands. This code lets people scan with their mobile phone and be directed to your website, where they can learn more about your product, service, or cause.

Ordering customised silicone wristbands and other promotional products is easy. You can order samples to assess quality and ease of doing business with more than one promotional items supplier, if you wish.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

5 Go-To Grown-Up Gifts Under $50

Brainstorming that perfect gift for an adult friend, family member or coworker can be a big challenge. While children are thrilled with toys and games, adults already have clear-cut preferences and knowing their tastes can be difficult. Plus, since most adults have access to their own disposable income, they're likely to have already purchased the things they want. However, these are a few go-to gifts that would be appreciated by anyone.

The Gift of Wellness

Busy adults often neglect their own physical needs. Running a household, raising children or working long hours can take a toll on a person's body and psyche, and they are often the last to take some time out for themselves. Therefore, a gift certificate for a massage can help refresh and rejuvenate a busy adult. Depending on the individual's needs, different types of massage therapy can produce different results. For the active athlete, a sports massage can ease pain or tightness in particular areas that can lead to improved sports performance. For a person with a hectic home life, a light to medium pressure Swedish massage can soothe frazzled nerves. A prenatal massage is a thoughtful gift for a baby shower as it can reduce stress and physical tension that comes with pregnancy.

Gift Certificates: Always in Style

Gift certificates are a great way to encourage new experiences. Give a gift certificate to a new or exotic restaurant or an upscale eatery. Or give the gift of dinner and a movie. Most movie theaters offer gift cards in different denominations and they can be used not just for tickets but for the full cinema experience including popcorn, soda and candy. Or, for the homebody or home theater lover, consider an iTunes gift certificate so the recipient can check out a new album or download a favorite movie.

The Gift of Green: Money

If in doubt, no one can argue with cold, hard cash. Gifting money ensures that the recipient can do whatever they want with it, whether it be buying something special or adding that cash to savings for a bigger-ticket item. However, just because the gift is cash, the presentation can still be creative. Tie small bills to a tree branch and give a money tree. Or for the recipient who enjoys a good practical joke, wrap up a box of rolled pennies from the bank or disguise a $50 bill by gift wrapping it in a giant box.

Fine Tastes: Alcohol or Cigars

Most adults would love to try an exotic wine or fine cigar. Look for unique or special packaging, or if in doubt, simply buy the highest quality.

Donations: The Gift that Keeps Giving

Adults who are already able to buy themselves whatever they want understand the good feeling that comes with helping others. Research a charity that relates to the recipient's lifestyle and give a donation in their name. Print out information from the charity's website and enclose it with a thoughtful card so the recipient can see exactly which cause is being helped.

This news article is brought to you by SOUPS SOPHISTICATED DISH - where latest news are our top priority.

Gift Ideas: Always Give a Great Gift

There are so many times when you need to give gifts, it is a good idea to stock up on gifts from your favorite online retailers. There are so many retailers with gift ideas that you can use to stock your gift closet so you are always ready to give a great gift.

Stock Your Closet with Gifts

Some nice ideas to include in your closet include wine and wine accessories as well as beautiful jewelry. If you have friends or family that enjoys memorabilia from favorite musicians or sporting events, then you can always buy a few pieces that you think they would like and save them for the upcoming birthdays or other events that will require gifts.

Baskets Loved by All

When you need ideas that show you care, you can always send gift baskets. There are baskets with popcorn and great accessories. You can also send baskets filled with coffee, creamers, and mugs. Another fun basket idea includes gourmet meats and cheeses.

Once-a-Month Gifts

If you want to send more than just a one-time gift basket, you can also send a gift-a- month package. With a package that arrives once per month, your friends and family will remember you every time those great gift ideas arrives in the mail. You can send a bottle of wine each month, or a new box of cigars each month. One of the most popular foods in the entire world is chocolate and a guaranteed favorite present would be a monthly surprised filled with chocolates! You can also send your family and friends the gift of fine steaks once a month, too.

Exquisite Jewelry

If you are looking for exquisite ideas about presents that will be remembered forever, then look no further than fine jewelry. Giving diamonds, gold, platinum, and other fine materials, your loved ones will feel incredibly special.

Good Gift-Ideas for Men

When you are shopping for the man who has everything, you might have difficulty coming up with gift ideas. Men love gifts that make them comfortable and relaxed or gifts that bring back great memories. Some men love fine cigars other love memorabilia from their favorite sports teams. Other gifts that men enjoy include massaging chairs or even massaging pads that can fit over a favorite chair. Luxurious watches are also big hits with men who certainly do appreciate fine timepieces.

Gifts Idea for Teens

It can also be very challenging to come up with gift ideas for teenagers. Some fun gift ideas for teens include remote control helicopters and gear for their iPods and iPads. You can also give teenage girls beautiful pieces of jewelry, too.

Don't Wait for the Gift Rush

Rather than rushing at the last minute to buy gifts, it is much less stressful to buy them on sale to stock your gift closet. Buying gifts can be very fun and when you give great gifts, your friends and family will start coming to you for good gift ideas.

This news article is brought to you by FISH OIL FOR BLOOD PRESSURE? - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top Candy Baskets to Send to Your Client

It's the little things that make a big difference, especially in business. Workers, bosses, and clients want to know that they are appreciated. It is for this reason that American businesses spend billions of dollars each year on corporate gifts. According to a recent survey conducted by American Express Open Small Business Holiday Monitor, 44 percent of managers said that they intend to send their best clients gifts.

What do they give?

The single most popular corporate gift is the food basket. Around 13 percent of managers responded that they always send their best clients food baskets over the holidays. These baskets can be filled with a variety of foods and beverages, from fruit to caviar and wine. Their purpose is to communicate to customers that they matter, which is why most managers send unique gifts these days.

Instead of the perfunctory fruit basket, they send sports tickets, vacation packages, or trips to the spa. These unique gifts help set companies apart from their competitors and may actually improve customer loyalty. Of course, they can be quite expensive. According to the aforementioned survey, the average manager spends over $700 on each corporate gift.

What is a small business to do?

The reason they call them corporate gifts is that only corporations can afford to give them. No, just kidding. But it is true that most small businesses cannot compete with larger firms when it comes to holiday expenditures. They simply don't have the cash to pay for cruises or tickets to the opera. That is why they often settle for plain, pedestrian gifts, like fruit baskets.

As your mother told you, it truly is the thought that counts when it comes to gift giving. A unique gift does not have to be expensive or ostentatious. It simply has to be a bit different. Small business owners should take their time and shop around before they buy anything. The internet gives them the option of getting more for less. They can save time and money if they order online.

Gift Ideas?

It isn't easy to find an inexpensive gift that is also original, which is why most folks settle for predictable presents. There's nothing wrong with a fruit basket or even a fruit cake, but don't expect a stack of thank-you cards in the mail. These are gifts that let clients know that you need their business. They don't convey any other message. If you truly want to make an impression, you'll have to think outside of the box.

Don't worry, you can still save money. According to Packaged Facts, a market research firm, food baskets are still the most popular gift. About 2.7 billion bucks worth of food was presented as corporate gifts in 2009. Most of this food is gourmet quality. As we mentioned, many of these baskets contain caviar and wines, as well as expensive cheeses and chocolates.

While it is not a traditional gift basket ingredient, chocolatiers have created their own kind of holiday basket that can be sent as a corporate gift. Unlike the familiar fruit basket, these arrangements will not spoil in a week or two. They can be enjoyed for months without worry. And honestly, who doesn't like chocolate?

Most major holidays include some form of candy, including Christmas and Hanukkah. And chocolate is easily the most popular flavor. Americans consume about 12 pounds of it each year! A chocolate basket, bucket, or box makes the perfect corporate gift.

What do they contain?

Chocolate boxes feature an assortment of hand-crafted chocolates. They can be sent to individuals or as an office gift. If you are shopping for the entire office, make sure you get enough for everyone. A single box may not suffice. Most online candy sellers have their own corporate gift section where they sell larger chocolate boxes with several levels.

Chocolate buckets resemble popcorn buckets and are filled with chocolate bars and treats. Some sellers include other popular candies in their buckets. They need not necessarily all be chocolates. The shopper can choose which sweet treats he wants in the arrangement.

A chocolate basket is pretty much what you might expect. It is a large basket filled with an array of chocolates in various forms. There are chocolate bars, chocolate covered foods, and small items that can be consumed by the handful. Since it complements the flavor of the candy, some of the more high-end chocolate baskets also include a bottle of champagne.

Create A Difference With Monogrammed Gifts

Monogram concept was once prevalent in large kingdoms and royal families. This was done with an intention to show their significance and leave an impact of their position in the world. Now, this concept has taken a public route in the form of monogrammed gifts. In these, people like to monogram their names, logos and symbols on different products. Though, this trend has been from royal families to general people, still its uniqueness and stand out positioning have not changed.

Monogrammed or personalized gifts have a special impact on the receiver and make them feel special. Most of the individuals and corporate bodies are using such gifts for different occasions and events.

Any standard gift can be a monogrammed gift with special themes, designs and personal notes on it. This will make it personalized and special for the person you are giving to. The varied options under this category can include pens, pencils, mugs, beer mugs, glasses, jewelry boxes, apron, gifts for children, baby gifts, pen holders, card holders, purses, bags, mobile covers, car decals, and a lot more things. In short, any gift you like can be made personalized with special techniques these days.

The best part with monogrammed gifts is that you need not think about the occasion for presenting these gifts. Use them for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, thank you, weddings, anniversary, retirement or a simple thank you card for your customers or employees.

Moreover, you can distribute these gifts in your boardroom or some corporate event. Such personalized gifts are always treasured by the recipient. They will keep the gifts with them forever and will definitely show to their family and friends. These uniquely designed gifts will make the employees feel important thus boosting their morale. Honoring your clients with special monogrammed gifts will definitely make them to reciprocate to your deals.

The best time to make an impact with monogrammed gift is the wedding. Wedding decorations, table napkins, curtains etc. can be made personalized according to the host. Monogrammed accent work wonders as marriage gift concepts for bride, groom, their parents, bridesmaids, maid of honor, groomsmen, etc. A true love logo can be created for the bride and groom specially personalized with monogram. Doing this, you will observe a seamless and stunning effect in your occasion.

Several online shopping stores can help you get huge range of personalized products for every occasion and for every relation. You can even customize some of the gifts as per your budget and convenience. The huge variety of these gifts let every individual choose one which falls in his budget range.

Such uniquely designed monogrammed gifts deliver all your care and love to the receiver and make them feel wonderful. So, make your loved ones happy by presenting them these special gifts.

Monday, July 9, 2012

House Warming Gifts Buying Guide And Ideas

It is exciting to be moving in to a new home. So if you have a new neighbour or you are invited to a housewarming party or even a wedding, as most couples move in to new home after getting married, buy them house warming gifts.

Factors to Consider When Buying Gifts for the Home

Design of the house

Buying house warming gifts can be a bit tricky especially if you don't have an idea on what their house looks like whether it is a classic French abode or a modern zen home. It is best that you find out though so you can buy gifts that will the look of the house. An Asian figurine would look off in a French themed home. Don't be afraid to ask them, it is better that way than to give something that won't fit the theme of the house. After all you don't want your gift to end up in the basement now do you?

Practicality and Usability

Buy gifts that are practical and useful for the one you are giving them too. Hence it is also important that you know what type of people they are. It will be useless to buy them a muffin tray if neither one of them bakes. You want to make sure that your gift will be put to good use.

House Warming Gift Ideas

Basket of Goodies

Moving in to a new house can take a few days and your friends are too busy to cook or run to the supermarket for supplies. It's sweet to give them a basket full of goodies like breads, pastries, jams, spreads, juices and more. Another idea is to make them a casserole or beef stew. There is nothing sweeter than giving them a home-cooked meal.

Kitchen accessories

There a lot of kitchen accessories you can buy like those oil and vinegar dispensers, tea sets, place mats, cookie jars, coffee mugs and more. These gifts are appropriate whether they cook or not. So you are safe.

Home accents

Throw pillows and throw blankets for the living might be a good house warming gift. Another is scented candles that come in different colours, shapes and scents.

Bathroom accessories

Bathroom accessories like tissue holders, soap dish, tooth brush holder, shampoo dispensers, towels and scented candles too.

These are just a few suggestions and ideas for house warming gifts that you can give to your friends.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tips for Buying Unique Gifts for Your Family and Friends

Gifts are very important for several reasons. We should keep sharing gifts to show our love and care for others. It is the one best way to show love. But to show your extreme love, passion, feelings and care for someone, you must give him/her something that is unique, something that is of great value. The best gift, I suppose, for someone who is very special to you is a unique gift.

Buying unique gifts is a bit tricky and hard too. So here are a few best tips that will help you in buying unique items for your special ones.

  • The problem with most of the people is that they cannot find unique gifts. They have no idea that where they can find unique items. The best place to search for unique products is the internet. Yes, the internet is the biggest source of information, and you can find any type of gift ideas over the internet. There are numerous online gift shops that are famous for selling unique gifts, you can contact any of them. All you have to do is find them.

  • Make sure that the gift you are buying relates with the person. A unique gift doesn't mean that you must give your loved one something that is totally useless for him/her, rather the gift must be unique in the sense that it must relate to the person. For instance, if you are giving a gift to your father on Father's Day, then you must try to find something unique related to your father hobbies, his favorite brands or something similar. The idea is to give away something that is unique as well as related to the person.

  • Always try the gift item before sending it over. This is important because most of the people hesitate to open the pack and check the actual gift before sending it over. There is no issue in trying or seeing the item/product. It is better to send something of quality and free from errors instead of sending something that is broken or merely useless for the receiver.

  • Make sure the product you are sending to your loved one as a special and unique gift is rare. I mean if you are sending your girlfriend a stuffed toy that is available at every second gift shop, you are not supposed to say it's a unique item. Search markets, retail stores and all the local gift shops for a single unique item. The more time you spend for finding a gift, better it is.

This news article is brought to you by HYBRID, ENERGY,EFFICIENT - where latest news are our top priority.